1. CAEN::realData
    A real dataset of gene expression RNA-seq.
  2. MEB::real_data_dsp
    A real dataset of genes between the different species.
  3. MEB::real_data_sp
    A real dataset of genes between the same species.
  4. MEB::sim_data_dsp
    A simulation dataset of genes between the differetn species.
  5. MEB::sim_data_sp
    A simulation dataset of genes between the same species.
  6. MEB::sim_scRNA_data
    A simulation scRNA-seq dataset from splatter package.
  7. MEB::stable_gene
    The name of the stable genes in all dataset.
  8. SCBN::orthgenes
    A real dataset of orthologous genes between the different species.
  9. SCBN::sim_data
    A simulation dataset of orthologous genes between the different species.
  10. SIMD::EM2_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  11. SIMD::EM2_H1ESB2_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  12. SIMD::EM_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
  13. SIMD::H1ESB1_MRE_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
  14. SIMD::H1ESB2_MRE_sigleCpG
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
  15. SIMD::all_CpGsite_bin_chr18
    A simulation dataset of CpG sites.
  16. SIMD::three_mre_cpg
    A simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.